A membership order can be transferred to a new ship-to customer, to a different product, and/or to a new order. A membership may be transferred to a new ship-to customer, for example, if a company purchases a membership for an employee and the employee leaves. The company can then transfer the membership to a new employee. Although the Unit Price will be prorated, since the membership is already paid for, the Remaining Order Balance will be zero. When the membership is transferred to a new ship-to customer, the original line item Line Status will be “Cancelled”, the Fulfill Status will be “Transfer”, and a new line item will be added to the order with the newly added ship-to customer.
A membership may be transferred to a new product, for example, if a student graduates from college and, therefore, needs to transfer from a student membership to an individual membership. Or a customer may want to transfer to a higher level membership to receive better benefits, such as associate member to full member. When a membership is transferred to a different product, the original line item Line Status will be “Active”, the Fulfill Status will be “Transfer”, and a new line item will be added to the order with the newly added product.
A membership may be transferred to a new order, for example, if a customer’s company pays for a membership and the customer wants to upgrade, the customer may have to pay for the membership themself. When a membership is transferred to a new order, a new order is created and will be displayed when the Order Transfer screen is closed. The original order will displays a Line Status of “Active” and a Fulfill Status of “Transfer”.
When a membership order line is transferred, the system knows the begin and end dates for both the transferred-from order line and the transferred-to order line, and the proration amount is simply calculated based on the number of months in each order line (assuming the proration interval is months). For the transferred from order line, the begin date stays as it is and the end date becomes the transfer date minus one day. (If an adjustment batch is open, the transfer date becomes the batch date.) On the transferred-to order line, the begin date is the transfer date, and the end date is the original end of the transferred-from order line. When the proration interval is monthly, the system simply calculates the amount to allocate to the transferred-from order line, based on the number of months between the cycle begin date and cycle end date (which typically correlates to the amount that has been recognized for service). Then, the amount to allocate to the second order line is calculated based on the number of months between the cycle begin date and cycle end date of the transferred-to order line. Assuming the begin date is the first of the month, if the cycle end date of the transferred-from order line is <= to the 15th of the month, that month is not counted for the transferred-from order line. If the end date is > 15th of the month, that month is counted for the transferred-from order line. Conversely, if the begin date of the transferred-to order line <= 15th of the month, then the month is counted for the transferred-to order line. If the begin date of the transferred-to order line is > 15th of the month, then that month is counted for the transferred-from order line, not for the transferred-to order line. The same 15-day rule applies for order lines where the cycle begin date does not begin on the first day of the month. Add 15 days to the date in the month of the cycle begin date; if the month does not have at least 15 days, then the month is counted for the other order line.
This section explains how to perform any of the scenarios described above.
If the order line you're transferring has a payment schedule with an Auto Pay Method of "Direct Debit", the system evaluates Order_Detail_EFT_Info for the order line being transferred and determines the following:
If the "Prenote Required" checkbox is selected on the Payment Schedule screen and the Prenote Date is not null, then the "Prenote Required" checkbox will NOT be selected on the new transferred order.
If the "Prenote Required" checkbox is selected on the Payment Schedule screen and the Prenote Date is null, then the "Prenote Required" checkbox will be selected on the new transferred order.
If the "Prenote Required" checkbox is NOT selected on the Payment Schedule screen, then the "Prenote Required" checkbox will NOT be selected on the new transferred order.
transferring a membership order to a new order with different cycle begin
and end dates, the system will respect the Prorate Amount and Proration
Level defined for the member
To transfer a membership:
1. From the Order Entry screen, select the appropriate line item.
2. From the Work
with Line Items task category, click Transfer the Item.
The Order Transfer screen displays, as shown below.
3. To transfer the membership to a new ship-to customer, perform the following:
a. Select the Xfer to New Ship-To checkbox.
b. Click the New Ship-To ID link. The Customer Chooser is displayed.
c. Search for and select the appropriate customer.
4. To transfer the membership to a product, perform the following:
a. Select the Xfer to Product checkbox.
b. Click the Product Code link. The Product Chooser is displayed.
c. Search for and select the appropriate product.
5. To transfer the membership to a new order, perform the following:
a. Select the Xfer to New Order checkbox. The Bill-To = Ship-To checkbox is displayed and selected by default.
b. If necessary, uncheck the Bill-To = Ship-To checkbox.
6. If necessary,
select the Reset Initial Start checkbox.
By default, this checkbox is selected when the order is transferred to
a new ship-to customer. Checking this box will set the start date to the
Transfer Date in the New Order section.
7. The Copy
Market Code checkbox is checked by default. If necessary, uncheck
this checkbox.
As of 7.4.2, this checkbox is enabled if there is an active market code
associated with the transfer-from order line. Additionally, if the market
code has one or more subsystems and/or one or more products defined for
it (in Mkt_Market_Detail), the transfer-to order line must have a product
that matches the subsystem or product defined for the market code. If
the market code is copied to the transfer-to order line, if a discount
is associated with the market code, and if the order line qualifies for
the discount, the discount is applied to the transfer-to order line.
8. By default, the Transfer Date is set to today’s date. If necessary, select a different New Order Transfer Date.
9. By default, the New End Date is set to the end date of the original order. Review the New End Date for any necessary changes.
a grace date exists, it will recalculate according to the New End Date
or new product.
10. If necessary, select a different Rate Structure and Rate Code from the New Rate Information section.
11. If any sub products exist for the current order, they will be displayed in the Original Order Line grid. By default, all sub products are selected to be transferred. If necessary, uncheck the checkbox in the Transfer column.
12. Click Build Order.
13. Click Save.
14. Click Close.