Creating a DCD product is similar to creating other types of products in Personify.
To create a DCD product:
1. Defining General DCD Information
2. Defining DCD Rates and Pricing
4. Defining DCD Revenue Accounts
5. Defining DCD Cancellation Fees
7. Defining DCD Product Images
The downloadable files associated with a DCD product are considered components of the product. When setting up your DCD product, you need to configure a way for your members to download the files (components) from the Web. To do so, upload the DCD download file(s) to the application server and set up the component options. This section details how to set up each configuration option mentioned above.
product must be “Active” in the back-office (via Product Setup), “Active”
on the Web (via e-Business Control), and “Active” for download (via DCD
Component Setup) for it to be available for purchase on the Web.