Users should have basic HTML and/or ASP.Net programming skills in order to modify a Personify Home Page delivered in Personify 7.3.1.
step assumes you have already installed the Personify Home Pages.
To modify an existing Personify Home Page:
1. Navigate
to the following file path in your Web Server:
(file path needed).../innetpub/wwwroot/PersonifyHomePage
your organization modified the website and folder name, make sure to navigate
to that folder.
2. Open
the ASPX page of the Personify Home Page you want to modify in a text
editor such as NotePad.
For example, DefaultHomePage.aspx.vb.
This is known as the Default Home Page.
3. Modify the code depending on your organizaton’s needs. Some of the available options include the following:
a. Change
the Label for a Section
Example Code with modifying text highlighted:
ID=”Label1” runat=”server”>Customers</asp:Label></h2>
b. Change
the Label for a Link
Example Code with modifying text highlighted:
a new customer</a><li>
c. Change
the Functionality of a Link
Example Code with modifying text highlighted:
a new customer</a><li>
d. Remove
a Section
Navigate to the section you want removed
and delete or comment the code out.
e. Delete
a Link
Navigate to the link’s code and delete or comment the link out.
Example Code with modifying text highlighted:
ID=”Label1” runat=”server”>Customers</asp:Label></h2>
f. Add
a Link
Navigate to where you want to place the link, and add the link code similar
to the others, such as:
href=”[Personify command]”>[Link Label]</a><li>
g. Disable
the Image Upload
Delete or comment out the “Upload Panel”
section of the code.
4. Save and close the file.
you create an entirely new ASPX Home Page, you need to add it to your
PersonifyHomePage website and add a Subcode for the new homepage to the
HOME_PAGE_TYPE Application System Type.
The Subcodes entered in the HOME_PAGE_TYPE system type determine which
names display in the Personify Home Page drop-down on the Persona Maintenance
(PSM004) screen.