The following two indicators are displayed in Outlook, which identify emails to Personify contacts.
is a member in Personify: If the sender of an email is a Personify
contact, a small red flag displays in the follow up column, as highlighted
below, and the following message displays in the header of the email:
“Sender is a member in Personify”, as highlighted below.
default, the message that displays in the header of the email is “Sender
is a member in Personify”. However, this message is configurable via the
Outlook2010GetCustomerIdsFromEmails.SQL stored procedure.
Sent to Personify: If you designated
the email to be saved to Personify and an activity record is created
for the Personify contact, the following message displays in the header
of the email: “Sent to Personify.”
Keep in mind that when an email is selected in your mailbox, the Save
to Personify option will be displayed as a button, as opposed to a
checkbox. Therefore, emails that were not designated to be saved to
Personify during creation can be saved at a later time.