The Relationship Quick Display screen allows you to select the type of relationships you want to view. For example, you can view the tree by company (mainly used by trade associations where companies are members), employee, or family relationships. The options with “(Tree)” next to them display in a hierarchical tree.
All other options display in list format. To change your selection of the type of hierarchical tree displayed, change the option in the Relationship Type drop-down menu.
This hierarchical tree is interactive. You can double-click a record to display the constituent in the CRM360® screen. You can also right-click the constituent to view the Quick View screen (see below) or the company’s employees.
The constituent's level 2 membership displays in parentheses to the right of the constituent name, as highlighted below.
As of 7.4.1SP1, the Expiration date that is displayed is from the “Active” membership order with the maximum End Date, even if the Begin Date is in the future.
To set up constituent relationships to display constituent tree views or relationship lists:
1. Define the "Customer_Tree", "Committee_Tree", and "Subgroup_Tree" application parameters.
2. Define the system-wide relationships. To display the relationships in a hierarchical tree view, check the Hierarchical checkbox for the Relationship Types and the Include in Hierarchical Tree checkbox for the Relationship Code. You must have a parent/child and child/parent relationship type set up to display the hierarchical tree format. For example, for a Corporate Tree, you must define a parent/subsidiary and subsidiary/parent relationship code.
“Hierarchical” checkbox is only enabled for Corporate, Committee, and
Subgroup relationship types.
3. To display the relationships in a list format, then do not select the checkboxes. The relationship results will display the name, reciprocal code, and primary phone and email of the record on the Relationship Detail screen. See the steps below for more information on this screen.
4. Define relationships for the constituent . Please see the Adding a New Relationship section for more information. If you add a parent/subsidiary or subsidiary/parent relationship here, the results display in tree format for the Corporate Tree (assuming the “Corporate” relationship type was selected as “hierarchical” on the Relationship Maintenance (CUS006) screen). The Corporate Tree displays the headquarters company and its subsidiary companies in a hierarchical tree view. It also displays the total number of companies, members, and names associated in the company, as well as the total number of employees, employees who are members, and employees who are named associates. Other relationship trees (such as Employment or Family) display the Relationship Code and Reciprocal Code in a hierarchical tree view.
To display constituent relationships:
1. From
the Relationships task category in CRM360,
click Hierarchical Relationship Tree.
The Relationship Quick Display screen displays, as shown below.
2. Select
the appropriate option and click Display.
The Hierarchical Tree screen display, as shown below.
The selected constituent displays in bold with the parent relationship
of the selected customer constituent expanded.
the tree, if the country of the customer is different from the primary
country of the organization, then the country code displays next to the
customer name. The records are sorted within the group geographically
and then alphabetically.
3. To
view additional information on a record in the constituent tree, right-click
the record and select Quick Info.
The Quick View screen displays, as shown below. This is a read-only screen
that displays additional constituent information. If an email address
or URL has been defined for the constituent, you can click the hyperlink
to open a new email or the website, respectively.
can highlight the information to cut-and-paste the text.